Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday (Round 3) that this week wasn't so hot, but then again we don't live somewhere over a rainbow. We/I live in reality. The reality that I like to eat when I am emotional. Truthfully I like to eat for any reason, but emotional eating is probably the highest reason. For some reason this last week I have been...shall we say...on edge. That would probably be putting it mildly. No, I am not having a visit from Auntie Flo, that was over a week ago. Anyways, due to my pissyness...I weighed in at 223 this week. Negative: I gained from last week. POSITIVE: I am still down 20.6 pounds from where I was at the beginning of November. So, tonight I am going to rest on the positive. I know it is time for me to get back in the swing of working out. I have really slacked off in that area the last month. My excuse, so cold that I feel like hibernating. Oh, and hibernating...could be part of my pissyness. Going 4 to 5 days without leaving the house can make a person go crazy.

So how about did you do? Hope you did better than I!

In other news: Have you been over to Mckmama's blog to check out all her latest news? BIG news! Awesome news! In addition to the awesome news she did this post just tonight that hit home so strongly with me. A post about savoring these moments we have with our kids while they are young. The second to last paragraph she talks about honoring the women who are longing to have children, by taking good care of the kids that we have been blessed with. This is so true! I was just talking with my husband tonight about feeling guilty for wanting to have a 3rd child when I have 5 or 6 friends directly right now that are struggling and longing so much to have a baby. After our 4-1/2 year struggle to get pregnant with River, I am so sensitive to the longing feeling and the heartache that comes with wanting a baby so badly. I wish I could wave a magic wand and zap a baby into all their wombs. Instead I feel called to pray for them often.

I am hoping that I will have opportunity to post Weigh In Wednesday next week, I will be in Florida. If I don't get to it...please don't hurt me. ;o)

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